Are troubled by the changing weather and are getting sick, then do this remedy immediately

Often people start falling ill during the change of weather. At the same time, different types of weather are seen in India as well. Along with this, many types of changes are also seen in the environment, such as temperature fluctuations, humidity, favorable environment for micro-organisms, etc. Let us tell that during the process of changing the weather, we should also take care of many precautions, so that we can protect the body from cold, cough, fever and other serious diseases.

Due to ill

In fact, people with low immunity are affected the most due to changing weather. That’s why during this time newborn, old and people with low immunity should be more careful, as well as stay away from viral and many other types of infections etc. during this time. At the same time, due to the change of weather, due to the spread of many types of microscopic particles in the environment, even allergies are seen in people.

You will get benefit from these measures

During the changing season from winter to summer, we should take many precautions, such as wearing adequate clothes, using masks as well as regular exercise. Regular exercise strengthens the body’s immunity, which helps fight disease, while a balanced diet should be given priority in food during this time. According to many medical reports, taking Vitamin C regularly in the diet strengthens the immunity of our body. Vitamin C can be used as a supplement if it is not met with food.

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